After we got back from the lovely Alaskan honeymoon we moved to Indianapolis (technically Carmel). We were so excited to start our life together. Mike accepted a job as a mechanical engineer at Rolls Royce and started a week after we moved.
First meal in the apartment |
That first week we were there was so fun. We unpacked and decorated the apartment together. We were in the newlywed blissful state - we loved just being together and enjoying each day together.
Staining the wood for the headboard |
Installing the headboard |
A month after we moved I got an e-mail from TDI-Brooks, where I worked at in College Station. One of the women there was going on maternity leave and they wanted to know if I wanted to work remotely. I told them I hadn't found a job yet so I would love to work for them.
Mike and I had a great routine those first 3 or 4 months of living in Indianapolis - I would wake up with him around 6:30 am and make breakfast (usually eggs and bacon) while he was showering and getting ready for work then after he left I would go back to sleep for 1-2 hours. I would wake up and go to a boot camp I joined and after that I would head to the public library to start working. I would stay until about 4 pm and then head home. We would eat dinner together and watch some TV or go on a walk around the big pond at our apartment complex. On the weekends we would explore the city whether it was going for a bike ride to get ice cream at Handel's in Fishers or walking around and eating in Broad Ripple (Monon Food Co. was our favorite place there).
Handel's ice cream |
At the War Memorial in downtown Indy |
Fondue night! |
Funny story about Broad Ripple: It was Christmas time and I wanted to start a tradition to get a tree ornament together each year we are married so we stopped at a store in Broad Ripple. The only parking spots that were open all had meters so I told Mike we would just run in really fast and get an ornament so we didn't need to put money in the meter. Mike was hesitant, but went with it. We were in the store for about 10 minutes and found a really cute metal bronze heart ornament. We walked out to the car and there was a bright yellow ticket on the windshield! Ugh! So dumb. Mike usually knows best. We loved to bike or walk the Monon Trail too. It was an old train track that they turned into a paved 18 mile walking trail. We would go on a walk and stop at the snow cone place or the ice cream place. We also found a church nearby called Common Ground that we went to regularly. We didn't know anyone before we moved to Indy so we joined a small group and got to know some really cool people. We would hang out with some people Mike met at Rolls Royce too. They were our age and were fun to hang out with. We got to do the Handlebar Indy Pedal Bar with them. It was a huge bicycle that had 14 seats. Everyone got to pedal and drink at the same time. It was pretty fun! We mostly hung out at Max and Patrick's apartment. It was an old baseball field that they made into apartments. They had lawn games and a sand volleyball court.
Hadlebar Indy |
Goofing off with friends |
Stadium Lofts (Max and Patrick's apartment) |
Mom and dad got to come for a visit too! We showed them around downtown, our neighborhood and where we worked. We also took a short trip to Louisville, KY and French Lick, IN. We stopped buy the Louisville Slugger museum, but it was closed! There was a huge bat (I think tallest bat in the world) outside the museum that we got a picture with though.
While in French Lick we stayed at the French Lick Springs Hotel. They have a casino there and lots of other things to do. We also rode the French Lick Scenic Railway through the Hoosier National Forrest and rode by Larry Bird's childhood home. The ride was short, but really pretty and relaxing. It was a great weekend to spend with them.
After the lady at TDI came back they didn't need me anymore so I started looking for jobs in Indianapolis. I wanted to do a fun job so I started to look around town. It was September so I thought about looking at Halloween stores. I LOVE Halloween so of course it would be a blast working at a Halloween store! Wrong. It was minimum wage, you had to be on your feet all day and the coworkers were less than stellar. The worse part was the coworkers. Minimum wage seasonal work usually doesn't bring about the best kind of people. Oh, and we only got 20% off Halloween decorations! Lame! I lasted about 2 1/2 weeks. Right after I quit I found a job in downtown Indy (a couple of blocks from Rolls Royce). It was at a foreign trade zone company called Zone Solutions. I got to carpool with Mike everyday. I loved that. It made the 30-45 minute drive not so bad (mainly because he was driving).The people at work were nice. The boss lady, not so much. A couple of months after I got the job Kelley came to visit. It was February and it had snowed a couple of days before she got there so it was a bit cold, but that didn't stop us from having fun. We walked around the Indianapolis Museum of Art, went to the Monon Food Company and drove around downtown (thanks to our chauffeur, Mike, for being a wonderful driver especially in the snow).
Snow!!! |
One of our favorite restaurants |
Lily House at the Indianapolis Museum of Art |
It was too short of a visit, but it was so nice to have family in town. Kenny and Michaela got married in March and Mike was Kenny's best man. We flew to Austin, Texas to go to the wedding and mom and dad drove to Austin to hang out with us for a little bit after the wedding. We went to the Capital and a park nearby. It was a quick trip to Texas, but great to be back in the Motherland.
I enjoyed working at Zone Solutions for the most part. One weekend most of us did a Color Run 5k together. Kate was actually visiting that weekend so she ran with me.
Zone Solutions Team |
Color Run! |
We climbed 331 steps to get to the top! |
Great view up here |
We also visited the Indiana Soldiers and Sailors Monument at the center of the city. There was an elevator to the top of the 275 foot monument to the look out tower, but it cost like $2 a person so we decided to take the 331 stairs to the top. We regretted it about 1/4 of the way up. After that we went to the Indianapolis Zoo. They had a really cool butterfly exhibit that we walked through too.
Is it real or not....? |
Friends from Zone Solutions |
I told my coworkers my love for April Fools Day so of course I had to pull some pranks on them. See below for my tricks. :)
There was always work to do so the day flew by. The office was located in the 2nd tallest building in Indy and we were on the 13th floor so the view was amazing!

Funny story about working there: The boss wasn't the nicest person I've ever met. She would look at people like they were dumb and tell them what they did wrong in front of everyone in the office. It was a small office, only about 12 people. Every time she would walk out of her office people would look away and hope that she wasn't walking over to them. It seemed liked she only wanted to talk to you if you did something wrong. If you did, God forbid, do something wrong she would treat you like a 4 year old and make you feel so small. Anyways after working there for about 6-7 months I wasn't having the best day and she had just come out of her office to "talk" to me. I was so upset that I wrote an e-mail to Mike saying things I wanted to say to her. There were allegedly some curse words and mean things said. I sent it ONLY to Mike. I tripled checked. Except it was sent on my work e-mail and work computer. Well apparently they have these programs that can go in and look at e-mails that were sent from work e-mail accounts. Right after I sent the e-mail I get a Skype message from her saying, "I'm so glad you are working here. You are such a hard worker." I KNEW she had seen the e-mail. I left the room immediately and called Mike and told him to come pick me up. I told everyone I felt sick and had to leave. After thinking about it and talking to Mike about it I called her and explained that I had sent an e-mail to my husband that had said some things that I didn't mean and I wanted to give my 2 weeks notice. We had a meeting the next day and talked it out and she actually took it pretty well. The only thing she was upset about was that I had said the benefits at the company weren't very good and that she had bragged about them being awesome. So I stayed working there for a bit, but it ended up Mike didn't like his job and he was thinking about quitting. We both put in our notices and quit a couple months later. When I think about living there it makes me remember the sunny, breezy, beautiful days there. The majority of the days were good there, but it was tough on me sometimes since I haven't ever lived anywhere without at least one of my family members in the same town. I also I have always lived 2 hours from my hometown. I think it was good that we moved away from both of our families though so we could lean on each other when things got hard. Indianapolis was so fun! We loved our apartment, enjoyed exploring different parts of town, found a great small group at church and made some fun friends at Rolls Royce and Zone Solutions. I'm so glad we lived there for 11 months.
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