I continued to think this was a hilarious joke so I did it to other friends and family. I posted that my dad had a horse saddle he wanted to get rid of so people started calling his cell phone, unfortunately he left it at home on accident so my mom took it to work. My mom called my dad and explained that people were calling his phone and leaving messages about a saddle. She called me and asked if I knew anything about it so I busted out laughing. She didn't. She said dad would probably be calling me to hear some explanation. I got a call 30 minutes later from Tim Davis with the IRS (good try dad). I explained what I did and he eventually thought it was funny and said that I better watch my back. I then posted things about free bikes, chilifest tickets in exchange for beer, a free astronaut statue, $10 Keurig and free puzzles/free baby chicks combo. Most people had a pretty good laugh, some more so than others. Below is my little sister's reaction. :) Love you!
The free puzzle/free chicks deserves some explaining. As most people I am friends with know, I love putting jigsaw puzzles together. I just finished a 1,000 piece puzzle a couple weeks ago and was waiting to glue it together. I finally bought some glue and went to glue it and found 2 pieces missing! I KNOW for a fact I had all the pieces when I finished the puzzle. I knew it was my roommates or one of their fiances. I kept asking and the pieces never showed up. So this morning as I was telling my roomies about the Craigslist thing I was doing, Lauren asked me if I wanted to get back to the puzzle piece snatcher. Of course I was in. I thought for sure she would send me her fiances number, but it was some random kid that I had never met. Apparently he and some of Lauren's other friends came over one night to hang out and he thought it would be funny to pocket some pieces of my puzzle. Not funny. After getting the phone number from Lauren I proceeded to make an ad for Puzzle Piece Snatcher. He was selling 5 brand new, never opened puzzles and giving away free baby chicks (I had to throw that in there because who really wants puzzles besides me). The listing went like this "I have 5 unopened puzzles. I really like puzzles (sometimes I take pieces from other peoples puzzles and think it's funny), but I got arthritis at a young age and it is acting up really bad so I am giving these away. I have 2 Thomas Kinkade puzzles, one that is all sorts of candy, one that has puppies in it and one that is a really pretty landscape with a family walking on a dirt road into the sunset. Please call or text: #########. For the free baby chicks please text or call the same number above. I just moved into a really small apartment and they won't allow chickens. Free to first person to text or call." I was pretty sure no one would text or call or bother him so I texted him about it. He was clueless, obviously. After a few minutes I got some of my friends at work to text him. After an hour or so I texted him again asking him if he liked puzzles. He then asked if I liked posting things on Craigslist. I confessed and told him I would make him a deal. I would take the post down if he would bring back my pieces. He said that it was a deal as long as we made the pieces into shot drops at Lauren and Jake's engagement party this weekend. I was forced to accept this offer. After all the happened, I went back to work working on answering e-mails and printing paperwork. My friend at work, Jon, came in my office to give the accountant a receipt and we talked about April Fools Day pranks and whatnot. As he was leaving he said I should watch my back; I told him that I was and then he said, "Not close enough" and walked out of the room. I swung around in my chair and looked out the window and he had wrapped my car in saran wrap. I knew this was the prank because he did it to me last year. April Fools prank on Kathleen 2: success. I left work and ran a couple errands then headed home. I walk in and see my two roommates, Jackie and Sophia in the kitchen looking pretty mischievous. I try and look around, but I don't see anything out of the ordinary. I go to my room and open my door and this is what I see:
I was so impressed with this prank that I was in shock. EVERYTHING in my room was covered with foil. This took time and a ton of foil. I couldn't stop staring at everything. This is the best prank ever pulled on me. I congratulate Jackie and Sophia for this. They were dedicated. Prank on Kathleen 3: major success. After I got over the shock of my room covered in foil from ceiling to floor, I was hungry. I made a sandwich and took a swig out of my water bottle (which I noticed was more full than when I left it) and all of a sudden I taste a minty taste and then my tongue and lips started to numb. Ora-gel on my water bottle. Awesome. Prank on Kathleen 4: success. After that happened I went to check my toothbrush and sure enough there was some clear gel on it. Prank on Kathleen 5: deflected. So after dinner, chatting for a while and trying to uncover some of my room I went on a run over to play volleyball. I thought finally April Fools is over and I won't have to watch my back anymore. Well I was wrong, the night was not over yet. After volleyball Mike gave me a ride home and when we got there I noticed that my car was gone. I thought that Sophia or Lauren took it somewhere, but then I noticed that both of their cars were gone. Hummmm. I walk in the house and yell for Jackie and ask her where she hid my car. She said she didn't have a clue about it being gone, she went on a run after I left for volleyball. So we all walk outside and look up and down the street for it. It's nowhere. But there is some broken glass and a t-shirt with "blood" on it where my car was. Mike asked if I thought someone broke into my car. I said, no, my windows are tinted and the glass is clear. He then said that they could have broken into the windshield. (Come on Mike, have you ever seen a robber break into the windshield to unlock the car?) Anyways, I knew no one stole it. I then tell Mike and Jackie that we need to drive around the block to see if it is parked on another street. We drive around the neighborhood and Mike said that it might be on Holleman. I told him that there was no parking on Holleman, then Mike pulled out my keys from under his seat and just started smiling. I didn't think twice about it being him who hid it. I thought it was one of my roomies. Well Mike and his friend, Kenny, decided to get me back for the prank I played on them earlier in the day. Well done. Prank on Kathleen 6: success. Next year will be even better so if you are my friend, stay on your toes on April 1st. And remember, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, so go prank people!
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