This past weekend one of my best friends, Annloiuse, got married in South Carolina on Edisto (or Edislow, I'll explain later) Island. My roommate, Sophia, and I headed down to Houston on early Saturday morning to catch our 7am flight. (Note: Sophia booked the tickets) Anyways, so we got up at 3:30am to be able to get the Houston in time for our flight. We stayed up until about midnight the night before packing and getting ready because we both procrastinated doing this. Bad idea. We packed some snacks and headed out. We got to the airport in plenty of time and just sat at the gate for 30 minutes until we boarded the plane.
We were too awake to go back to sleep so what else was there to do than to post on Facebook and eat our snacks we packed for the weekend? We both packed trail mix and we both ate all of it before we got off the plane in Charleston, SC. Yup, that's me and Sophia for ya. When we got to Charleston we had to rent a car to drive to our house (I like to call it a villa). Sophia's friend used to work at Avis so she said we were not allowed to rent from there. So we asked Budget how much they charged for a car rental and it was outrageous like $62 a day or something. If you know me, I said, "Screw that" and we left and walked over to Hertz. They charge $24 a day. Much better. So we gave them all our information and somehow the entire bill came out to $114! Uh. They get you with those taxes and under 25 fees! Oh well. We got in our little blue Nissan Versa and drove away. Being the germaphob that I am, I used a plastic baggie in order to change the radio so I didn't have to touch it with my hands.
We headed straight to Edisto Island where our villa and the wedding was. We got to our villa and it was so cute!
We arrived to the villa and Lauren, one of our housemates, was there. She is from NY and working on her MBA at Columbia. She was super nice. Sophia and I unloaded our stuff and toured the house then we decided to walk down to the beach since we were only 2 blocks away. We got there and the beach was deserted. It was pretty cold and overcast and the water was freezing so this made sense why no one was there. I still made Sophia look for sand dollars with me and walk in the water.
After we had our fun we went back to the house and headed over to Annlousie's villa before she and all the bridesmaids headed over to the wedding venue. We got to chat for a while and eat lunch over there. Annlouise looked so beautiful. She had her hair and makeup done and was so calm. We got to meet her bridesmaids too. Annlouise made sure to tell us not to speed on the island because the cops were out to get everyone. We said we wouldn't and forgot about it. They had to head out so Sophia and I headed back to our villa and all our other housemates were there when we got back. It was Jillian and Andrew, Kristine and Chris, Alexis Claire and her date, and Lauren. We got to talk to them for a while and got to know everyone and then we decided we better get ready. Everyone showered and got all dressed up. I asked Sophia to do my hair and we did a high sock bun. I'm kind of obsessed with the sock bun now. All it is is a real sock rolled up then you wrap your hair around it. Done. We all headed out to the venue, Brookland Pointe Plantation. It was a gorgeous house on the lake with big oak trees covered in Spanish moss everywhere and a huge yard to have the reception on.

There was a 7 person gospel choir singing while the guests and bridal party were walking in. They were really good and entertaining.
The ceremony last only about 10-15 minutes. It was short, but very sweet. We walked over to the reception and before everyone got a drink (except the few alcoholics there) we fought over the bug spray. The gnats were so bad. After spraying it got a lot better. We talked, had appetizers and most everyone had a drink (or 7).
Dale and Annlouise had their first dance and then the parent dance and then they opened up the food line. They had some awesome food choices. BBQ, mac and cheese, rolls and rice on one side and shrimp and grits, collard greens and tomato and cucumber salad on the other side. The shrimp and grits was SO good. It was a little chilly so Sophia and I went into the bridal house for 15 minutes to warm up and then all of a sudden we hear the music stop so I tell her they are cutting the cake! So we run out and they were making toasts and fixing to cut the cake. We made it right in time. Their cake was awesome! It was a 3 tiered cake. The top was orange flavored, the middle was lemon and the bottom was almond. I had lemon, it was so moist and tasty! After everyone had cake the dancing started. We all danced at least some. It was fun. They had an 8 person live jazz band. They were really good. The sax player would come down to the dance floor and get people to dance with him while he played his solo. It was a lot of fun. Around 10:30pm people started heading out. I was the newlywed's chauffeur so I helped them load gifts and decor and then took them back to their villa. They decided to have all the young people over to their villa to have an after party and just hang out. Sophia and I dropped Annlouise and Dale off and we went to change and headed back over there. It was fun until about 12:30 when I laid down on the floor and dozed off a bit. We all headed home around 1am and as soon as I got there I hit the hay. Everyone else in the house was leaving Sunday morning so when Sophia and I woke up around noon, no one was there. Sophia had read about a strawberry festival in Charleston that was going on that weekend where you could pick your own strawberries from the field so we decided to hit it up. On our way there we passed a cute little produce stand and had to turn around to go buy something. Also, it was called Mike's Produce so of course I was in favor of stopping. :)
After we bought 2 apples and an orange we headed to the strawberry festival. The line to get into the parking lot was SO long, but we wanted to pick some strawberries so we patiently waited (after I passed up 75% of the cars then cut in front of a car while he wasn't paying attention. Thanks black BMW.)
We parked really close to the front thanks to my dad teaching me the most valuable lesson, "There's always room in the front" We paid our $5 entrance fee and walked around all the rides and food stands. We noticed we were the ONLY people without kids or a family. Awkward. We walked over to the strawberry pickin' fields and the lady said that they had JUST gotten all picked out. Really?! Uh. That's the only reason we went there. So we left without doing anything expect a one dollar ring toss that was most likely rigged. We decided to go to downtown Charleston and walk around to try and find cool shops and restaurants. We found an open market place that had all sorts of little set up shops. We walked around for a while and then saw a Free Sample sign and ran in. It was a pecan praline sample and was delish! We walked around the candy store and decided we needed some samples of the gelato too. We ended up getting a praline flavored gelato and loved every bite of it. After walking around trying to find a restaurant, we found something SO much better: A Fudgery. We got to sample some fudge and bought the peanut butter fudge that someone had forgotten to put peanut butter in. We didn't care because the guy that was making the fudge was an entertainer! He was singing all different songs and substituting "fudge" into the song. For example, one song he was singing was The Temptation's "Ain't Too Proud to Beg": I know you want some fudge,
but I refuse to let you go, if I have to beg and plead for your sympathy, I don't mind coz' you mean that much to me. Also go here to check them out:

We finally found a restaurant that seemed cool, Henry's. It was really good. The entire time we were eavesdropping on this table next to us trying to figure out what they were doing and how they knew each other. We were convinced it was a dating thing because all the guys were on one side and all the women were on the other side of the table and each person was talking to the person across from them. They all also had an alcoholic beverage. At first we didn't see any wedding rings and they were small talking, nothing detailed. Then we saw a couple of wedding rings and we gave up on what it could have been. I'm still curious. After dinner we headed back to the island (about 45 minutes away). On the way we wanted to stop at a Trader Joes store because we have always read about them and wanted to go to one (little did we know there is one in Houston and Austin....) Trader Joes is kind of like a Whole Foods. They have specialty foods that are pretty healthy. Sophia put in in her Google Maps and we started looking for it when we got close. Sophia looked down at her phone and said we had missed it. Uh. So we turned around and went back to find it. Well, we found it. Not exactly what we were thinking of.
We got to the villa and just relaxed on the couch. I went upstairs to read and go to bed and Sophia was working on homework. We went to bed at 10pm since we had to get up at 3:15am again (If you didn't catch it before, Sophia booked the tickets). We woke at an ungodly hour and packed up and cleaned the villa up a bit. We headed out at 4am. No one was on the road (duh) but all of a sudden I see blue and red flashing lights behind us. Sophia was driving and was speeding. The speed limit was 35 and she was going 45. She freaked out and we pulled over. The officer was nice, but tried to scare her at the same time asking her how she would feel if she hit a pedestrian while driving that fast. He reminded her that the island was called Edislow Island; he was trying to be funny. She was very polite and thankfully he let her off with a warning. LUCKY GIRL!
We got to the airport in time to have a bagel and an orange and then we boarded our flight. We walked down the connection walkway that connects to the plane, but there was no plane attached, it was steps leading outside and then there was another flight of steps leading up to the plane door.
I've never been on a plane that small. It wasn't a crop plane or anything, but it only sat 3 people across and only about 20 rows. We didn't even get a free beverage or anything. I didn't mind since I was half asleep the entire time. We got back to Houston safe and sound and then headed back to College Station. Overall, the trip was a blast! South Carolina was so pretty and the wedding was perfect. Sophia and I were worn out, but it was all worth it. (Sorry for all the pictures)